The Community Outreach Program supports Haiti Children's Home in providing care to families and children in the community.
Community Outreach Initiatives:
Please help us reach out to the Community of Haiti!
*Milk Program: Undernourished, orphaned and medically fragile children under 12 months are provided with a basic health exam and formula each week.
*Outpatient Nutrition Program: Manba Packs (fortified peanut butter) are given to children in need at our Community Health Clinics.
*Specialized Care Advocacy: Medically fragile children screened through our Community Health Clinic are provided referrals to specialized care with local doctors and professionals.
*Community Health Clinic: Open weekly for the community to stop by and receive free care and health education.
*Clean Water: Clean drinking water in nearby communities through wells and water treatment.
*Future plans: To provide transportation for needy families to access the Community Outreach Program. A mobile clinic to reach remote areas is also part of HCH's future plans.
This program focuses on HCAS/HCH unified desire to keep families together and educate them on the importance of quality nutrition. An umbrella covering all children that have family involvement but are still not receiving the nutrition and care needed to thrive. Children like Christine...
Christine’s story is one that is all too common in Haiti. Her mom struggled to find enough food to feed Christine each day. Not only was quantity an issue, but quality. In Haiti, sources of protein are often expensive and thus are often excluded from a regular diet, causing swelling.
By providing good nutrition such as fortified medical grade peanut butter, Christine quickly lost the water weight associated with the swelling She began to put on healthy weight. We hardly recognized her a month after she came in, so great was the change in her entire body!