We're glad you stopped by to find out more about Haitian Children's Aid Society.
In 2005, HCAS was established when several adoptive families in Alberta joined forces to support the existing work being done at Haiti Children's Home (HCH) in Mirebalais, Haiti. Since then our focus has expanded beyond our walls into the surrounding communites and families through various programs including education, medical care, nutrition support and spiritual growth. In 2015, a large rebuilidng project was completed at a new location which switched HCH to a family style care model.
Our Focus
HCAS is committed to relieving poverty by providing basic amenities, medical and health care, and social services to children in Haiti.
- A new facility for Haiti Children's Home (individual homes with a family environment)
- A Bright Future Child Sponsorship Program
- Community Outreach through providing baby formula & protein replacement therapy
- Educational Sponsorships for children in permanent care at HCH and children of the surrounding communities
- Community Medical Clinic & facilitating care for additional needs
- Clean Water Well Drilling

Haitian Children’s Aid Society is a Registered Canadian Charity 827437278 RR0001.